Zed frantically paces through the automated gate and rushes down the flight of stairs only to find the tube vanishing past him in a blur. The platform looks deserted now. The overhead display flashes' HEATHROW 3 MINS'. Soon, people start swarming in from all the inlets. Zed boards the next tube along with other nameless, faceless passengers united only by their destination. As the tube picks speed, the outside becomes a motley of signages, posters and graffiti which eventually turn into a haze.
Leaning against the window, Zed watches the innards of the subway system. He starts thinking about his near and dear ones. No longer 'near' actually as he has not met them in years. Their faces have been reduced to faint impressions in his mind.
The tube stops at every station to be fed with more people. Its hunger seems insatiable.
Its time to get off and head back home.
Zed walks out of the air-conditioned surrounds into the open air. the dampness in the air condensed on his glasses making everything around look hazy. He wipes his specs and puts them back on. The world before him appears clearer. It is not so blurry after all.